Thursday 27 December 2018

Activity 2-Day 1-SLJ - Week 2

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marnie!

    Cool team! Family power!! I like that you have chosen family as they are always a great support system :)

    Is your sister older or younger then you? I like that you have found really helpful qualities in her that will make you race better - it is great to have someone with high energy to keep you motivated!

    I am sure you're Mum would cheer you on like crazy!
    My Mum would be the same way... she's really competitive and used to love watching any sports me and my siblings were in.
    Do you play any sports during the year?

    I am sure your Dad would be very handy to have on your support team - Maybe he can even help you out if something went wrong with your bike? DO you think he would be able to fix it?

    Grood job on this activity Marnie - Keep up the great work!
    Ellee :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.