Saturday 22 December 2018

SLJ-Activity 1 - Day 5

I don't think logging should be allowed in NZ. It is not fair on animals that have made homes there.Also it is ruining our nature.


  1. Hi Marnie!
    I just have a little mistake you made. You said that logging SHOULD be allowed in NZ when I think you meant it shouldn't because then, you have 2 opinions why logging shouldn't be allowed. Just a little heads up. Keep up the good work and keep posting!

  2. Hi Marnie!

    You have bought up some great points against logging in New Zealand.
    I am wondering if you could extend them out a bit to really convince the reader that logging is not a good idea?
    Maybe you could have a wee think about the following things you could add to your argument:
    - What animals in New Zealand are being effected by logging?
    - Are there any facts/figures that support this statement?
    - What part about logging is ruining nature? Is it the machinery?
    - What could we do instead of logging in New Zealand? Is there a solution to the problem?

    I like that you have given this activity a go Marnie - next time see if you can really extend your ideas so the reader will be engaged with your writing and fully convinced by your argument!

    Nga mihi,
    Ellee :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.