Saturday 22 December 2018

SLJ-Day 4 - Activity 2

One of my favourite foods is tuna on crackers. First you get you crackers and tuna then,grab a spoon and using the spoon put tuna on the crackers.Thats how you make tuna on crackers.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marnie!

    Tuna on crackers is a great choice for favourite food, especially when it's so easy to make! Do you take it to school for lunch?
    I used to have that in my school lunch sometimes!

    Do you have the tuna from the can?
    Do you have a favourite flavour that you like?
    I used to like the sweet chili, lemon pepper and sometimes I'd even just get the plain tuna with no flavour!

    What about the crackers ...are you fussy with which ones you use?
    I like the square cabin bread crackers - they're strong and crispy so they can hold lots of tuna!

    Hopefully you have been able to go tuna on cracker crazy over the summer break Marnie!

    Ellee :)


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