Saturday 22 December 2018

SLJ-Activity 3 day 3

The wwf is working to save freshwater seals,so the don't die. The wwf is helping the fresh water seals by making snow banks


  1. Dear Marnie,
    What cool info! The only feed-back I have is you just have to add a little bit more info. Example: WWF stands for ______!
    You are doing fantastic in the Summer Learning Journey so far!

    Until next time,

  2. Hi Marnie!

    I am glad you watched the freshwater seals video, I really enjoyed that one - did you like it too?
    I would really love to give you full points for this activity Marnie but I just need a little bit more information.
    Have a think about how you want to set it out for the reader so it is easy to follow too.
    Here are some questions that might help you fill in some more information:
    - What is a snowbank?
    - How do they make the snowbank?
    - Why are they having to make the snowbanks?
    - Are there any other things they are focusing on to help the seals?
    - Are they having any success with this project?

    Looking forward to your updated post Marnie!
    Ellee :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.