Saturday 22 December 2018

SLJ-Day 4- Activity 1

What was it like climbing Mount everest ? How did you feel ? How long did it take to climb Mount everest ? Were you nervous at the start ? What did you feel like one you had reached the top ?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marnie!

    These are some great questions for Sir Edmund Hilary, awesome work!
    I like that you have asked him questions about his climbing experience, I think he would have some interesting tales to tell from the climb.

    I like your last question, I think that would be an cool moment for Sir Edmund Hilary - probably an amazing memory in his life that he is very proud of! Can you think of a memory you have that makes you feel really proud?
    I think one of mine might be when I did the 'shave your lid for a kid' fundraiser, that was a pretty cool moment for me.

    Do you think you would like to climb Mt Everest one day? I dunno if I could handle the cold! I'm a big baby in the cold weather :)

    Great work here Marnie - keep it up!
    Ellee :)


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