Monday 31 December 2018

Day 3 activity 1 - SLJ

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marnie!

    Wow you are an extra early riser!! Do you go to bed early at nighttime?
    I used to wake up first in my family on the weekends but my Mum had a rule: no TV until 8:30am, so I would always be sitting in front of the TV waiting for 8:30am on the dot so I could watch cartoons!... I was a bit of a square eyes when I was little :)
    Do you do the same?

    Wow, sounds like your Dad works really, really hard - Do you wake him up so he can make you breakfast? :)
    Maybe one day when you wake him up early on his day off, you can surprise him with breakfast in bed - I am sure he would love it! Do you know his favourite breakfast food?

    Thank you for sharing about you and your family Marnie - Great work!

    Nga mihi,
    Ellee :)


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