Saturday 22 December 2018

SLJ-Activity 2 - Day 5

Dear Mum and Dad My trip to Tundra was amazing It was really cold,colder than winter in new zealand. I wore heaps of jackets and scarfs to keep me warm.I would go back to Tundra because I thought that it was so great,you can explore heaps of forests in Tundra. From Marnie


  1. Hi Marnie!
    I really like your letter! I just have a question, what did you do there?

  2. Hi Marnie!

    This is a really great start to your letter - In order for you to recieve full points you need to give me some more details in your letter which should be at least 5-6 sentences.
    You also need to make sure that your opening: Dear Mum and Dad,
    And your closing: From, Marnie
    are on seperate lines, this makes your letter really clear to follow.

    Some things you could think about to extend out your letter could be:
    - How cold was Tundra? Was it colder than winter in New Zealand? Did you have to wear any special clothing to keep warm?
    - Why would you like to go back to Tundra?
    - What did you do/see while you were there?
    - Was there anything you didn't like while you were there?

    Hope to see your updated letter soon Marnie, I know it will be amazing!
    Ellee :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.